A Study of Failure Mode Occurred after Debonding of Porcelain Laminate Veneers by Erbium Laser and its Relationship to The Used Laser Parameters (in vitro study)


  • Dr. Mohand ALBalkhi Faculty of Dental Medicine – Al-sham Private University.
  • Dr. Omar Hamadah Faculty of Dental Medicine, Damascus University


Er:YAG Laser, Pulse Duration, Debonding, Porcelain Laminate Veneer


Background and Objectives: Er:YAG laser used in debonding of porcelain laminate veneers (PLV). This study aimed to detect depth of penetration of Er:YAG laser during debonding of PLV by using different pulse duration (PD)  and water/air (W/A) cooling ratio.

Materials and Methods: Thirtysix extracted non-carious human maxillary premolars were prepared for receiving PLV. Samples were randomly assigned to six different groups, based on PD and the W/A ratio: Groups A (50 μs, 1:1), B (50 μs, 3:3), C (100 μs, 1:1), D (100 μs, 3:3), E (300 μs, 1:1), and F (300 μs, 3:3). Veneers were debonded using laser irradiation by the same parameters (270 mJ, 15 Hz) with

noncontact application mode. All 36 veneers were debonded, then the debonded surfaces of PLV and tooth examined under magnification of 16.9x to determine the failure mode. Data entered into statistical program SPSS v.22 and cross tab analysis used.

Results: The failure mode was type 1 in most samples study.

Conclusion: Within limits of this study, we can conclude that pulse duration and water/air ratio have no effect on depth of penetration of Er:YAG Laser within debonding layers of PLV when same laser parameters of energy and frequency used.


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How to Cite

A Study of Failure Mode Occurred after Debonding of Porcelain Laminate Veneers by Erbium Laser and its Relationship to The Used Laser Parameters (in vitro study). (2024). Damascus University Journal for Medical Sciences, 40(1). https://journal.damascusuniversity.edu.sy/index.php/heaj/article/view/7855