Assessment the efficacy of bioceramic and mineral trioxide aggregate  in pulpotomy  in immature permanent molars (Clinical and radiographic study)


  • Ibrahim Alnassar Faculty of Dentisty, Damascus University
  • Mohamad Kaml Altinawi Faculty of Dentisty, Damascus University


Pulpotomy, Immature Permanent Molars, Mineral Trioxide Aggregate , Bioceramic


Summary: vital pulp therapy  aims to preserve the vitality of the pulp in teeth subject to trauma, caries, restorative procedures, anatomical anomalies, where this treatment can be performed in permanent teeth that have been exposed to reversible pulpal injuries Where this procedure is necessary in immature permanent teeth in order to allow their roots to fully develop as well as to preserve the integrity of the dental arch during maxillofacial complex development.

This study aimed to evaluate and compare the efficacy of MTA and bioceramic in pulpotomy of  immature permanent molars, clinically and radiologically.

Materials and Methods: The study sample included thirty immature permanent molars divided into two groups equally among children between the ages of 6-8 years, the patients were randomly distributed to the two study groups.

Mineral trioxides aggregate were applied in the first group, while bioceramic material were applied in the second group.

The efficacy of the two materials were evaluated clinically and radiologically after one week, three, six, and nine months.

Results: There were no difference in clinical and radiological results between the two materials Mineral trioxides aggregate and BioCeramic, where the success rate for each of the two studied materials reached 100% during the observation periods.

Conclusions: This study found no difference in the effectiveness of both Mineral trioxides aggregate and BioCeramic clinically and radiologically after  pulptomy in immature permanent molars


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How to Cite

Assessment the efficacy of bioceramic and mineral trioxide aggregate  in pulpotomy  in immature permanent molars (Clinical and radiographic study). (2024). Damascus University Journal for Medical Sciences, 40(3).