Image Role in Contemporary Advertising Design


  • Lynn Alali Damascus university
  • Dr. Ahmad Yazeji Damascus university


advertising - marketing - image


The age which we live in today is the age of image, as described by many critics and scholars.

An image is an indispensable tool for anyone who wants to communicate their advertising

 message and enhance  communication activities along with people. The image has featured  prominently as a substitute for other communication languages owing to the ability to rapidly reach to the audience everywhere.

At the preset time, the digital image has become  the backbone of the multi-tasking, multi-

functional and  advertisement not only due to the credibility and ability to  address the eyes,

 hearts and minds of the audience, regardless of their educational levels but also because of the great ability to persuade and cover the details of the relevant event. In advertising, such an image has become the axis supporting the architecture and components of modern posters.

The image importance is shown in the advertisement as a key element to affect the consumer emotionally, as advertising  depends, in the first place, on raising the emotions of the audience and not on mental persuasion.


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How to Cite

Image Role in Contemporary Advertising Design. (2024). Damascus University Journal for Engineering Sciences, 40(1).