Limits of administrative control over local administration units in the light of the principle of legality


  • Fayez Jawdat Harba Damascus university
  • Prof. Najem Alahmad2 Damascus university


Administrative Control, The Principle Of Legality, Local Units, Central Authority.


The units of local administration legally reflect the persons of decentralized territorial administration, Where it remains an integral part of the administrative organ of the State, Its acts are governed by the laws and regulations in force in the State while recognizing the relative autonomy defined in administrative and financial terms, This justifies the right of the State as a central authority to exercise control over local administration units, and its acts, That is, there is a relationship between local administration units and the State as a central authority expressed through the oversight institution. However, such oversight is supposed to be legitimate only, yet only the operation and practical introduction of this institution has shown some kind of controversy among the scientific and practical community over the existence of administrative control limits in the light of the principle of legality.


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How to Cite

Limits of administrative control over local administration units in the light of the principle of legality. (2024). Damascus University Journal for Legal Sciences, 4(1).