Technical characteristics in poetryIbn Abi al-Zawaid al-Saadi


  • Tammam mohammad almohammad Al-Ali damascusuniversity
  • Khalil mohammad Abdel Aa damascusuniversity


Technical Characteristics, Moral Characteristics, Verbal Characteris.



The aim of studying the technical characteristics of one of the poets, or one of the tribes, is for the researcher to understand the aspects of these characteristics, whether they were verbal or verbal, and we will discuss the following two topics:

The first: the moral characteristics, in terms of ease and ruggedness, in terms of simplicity and complexity

The clarity and the negotiation, then we address the generous images that highlight the suffering and increase its clarity from its similarity, the slogan, and the structure.

After that, we specify the sources from which the poet drew his images, and his similes were made available from its source.

The second: the verbal characteristics, in terms of the method used in constructing the poem, and the music of poetry, both external and internal.



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How to Cite

Technical characteristics in poetryIbn Abi al-Zawaid al-Saadi. (2024). Damascus University Journal of Arts and Humanities Sciences, 40(3).