Evaluating the reading texts included in "the Arabic Language and Literature"Textbook for the first secondary class according to the Bozeman's equation


  • Nermeen Abed Alfatah damascusuniversity
  • Hasan Ebrahim Alahmad damascusuniversity


evaluation, Bozeman equation, , style, , word cloud.


This study took the Bozeman equation as an objective scientific tool in the study of the writing style by calculating the value of the ratio of the sum of the words indicating the event associated with time to the sum of the words indicating the description.

The descriptive approach based on the analysis is suitable for achieving its goal, which seeks to evaluate the texts included in "the Arabic Language and Literature" textbook for the first year of secondary school according to the Bozeman equation. A content analysis form was designed to read the statistical data resulting from the analysis as well as a form and a word cloud for each of the analyzed texts. According to their style, the texts were

classified into literary and scientific style texts. In addition, the majority of texts belong to the literary style.


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How to Cite

Evaluating the reading texts included in "the Arabic Language and Literature"Textbook for the first secondary class according to the Bozeman’s equation. (2024). Damascus University Journal of Arts and Humanities Sciences, 40(3). https://journal.damascusuniversity.edu.sy/index.php/humj/article/view/10870