Social Responsibility and Its Relationship to Job Performance Among a Sample of Syrian Arab Red Crescent Staff


  • Hanan Mousa Ower damascusuniversity
  • Ahmad Abdulaziz Al Asfar damascusuniversity


social responsibility, job performance, knowledge of job requirements


This research aims at determining the level of social responsibility among Syrian Arab Red Crescent employees and finding variances on the scale of responsibility based on variables (job title، nature of work, years of experience). Furthermore, it seeks to determine the level of job performance of a sample members and identify differences on the job performance scale based on variables (job title, nature of work, years of experience), as well as identify statistical differences regarding the relationship between social responsibility and job performance of Syrian Arab Red Crescent employees - Daraa branch.

The descriptive analytical technique was used in the research, which helps explain and analyze phenomena.

To achieve the objectives of the research, a measure of social responsibility was designed that included three dimensions (self-responsibility, collective responsibility, and responsibility towards the organization) and a measure of job performance that included three dimensions (quality of work performed، volume of work performed، knowledge of job requirements), and they were applied to 121 employees working for the Syrian Arab Red Crescent.

The results indicated that the sample's participants showed a high level of social responsibility, and they additionally performed their jobs to a very high standard. The relationship between social responsibility and professional performance is significant and favorable. According to the job title variable, there are statistically significant differences on both scales in favor of the

volunteers. According to the years of work variable, there are statistically significant variations on both scales that favor the category (10 years or more). According to the variable of the type of work, there are statistically significant differences on both scales in favor of the category that works in both the field and the office.


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How to Cite

Social Responsibility and Its Relationship to Job Performance Among a Sample of Syrian Arab Red Crescent Staff. (2024). Damascus University Journal of Arts and Humanities Sciences, 40(3).