Evaluation of Clinical Stage Difficulties Encountered by Undergraduate Dental Students in Fixed Prosthodontics Course


  • Dr. Mohand ALBalkhi Faculty of Dental Medicine – Al-Sham Private University.


Fixed Prosthodontics, Clinical Stage, Level Of Difficulty.


Objective: To assess the experience of fourth-year undergraduate students about level of difficulty of clinical stages within fixed prosthodontic course for improving related topics in the preclinical curriculum.

Materials and Methods: A 120 of fourth-year dental students of Private University have been submitted to a paper-based questionnaire at the end of clinical stage course comprised of ten closed questions. The response to the questionnaire was based on the five point Likert scale of level of difficulty (1 Very difficult, 2 Difficult, 3 Neutral, 4 Easy, 5 Very easy). Responses were entered into statistical program SPSS V.22 and statistical calculations (Frequency, Percentage and Mean) were performed.

Results: The means of responses of questions which showed level of difficulty around 2 according to Likert scale were; gingival retraction (1.6), tooth preparation (1.84), making a try-in of prosthesis’ framework (2.1), and fabrication of temporary restoration (2.3). Whereas means related to stages of treatment plan (3.17), taking a primary impression (3.35), and reach to diagnosis of patient case (3.42) all indicate neutral level of difficulty. However, means related to stages of permanent cementation of prosthesis (3.8), selection tooth shade (4.02), and taking of final impression (4.4) were around easy level of difficulty.

Conclusion: This study highlighted the clinical stages in fixed prosthodontics found difficult to practice by undergraduate student were; gingival retraction, patient’s teeth preparation, making a try-in of framework of prosthesis, and fabrication of a temporary restoration. while other clinical stages were easier. This study showed the importance to enhance learning of related topics within preclinical curriculum which showed difficulties.


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How to Cite

Evaluation of Clinical Stage Difficulties Encountered by Undergraduate Dental Students in Fixed Prosthodontics Course. (2024). Damascus University Journal for Medical Sciences, 40(2). https://journal.damascusuniversity.edu.sy/index.php/heaj/article/view/9261