Self-compassion and its relationship to emotional deprivation A field study on a sample of adolescent residing in social care homes in the governorate of Damascus


  • Dr. Nermeen Gharib


self-compassion, the emotional deprivation, Adolescent, the teenagers who are guests at the houses of the directorate of social care, social care homes


The aim of the current research is to know the relationship between Self-compassion and its relationship to emotional deprivation among a sample of adolescents residing in social care homes in the governorate of Damascus, and to indentify the level of self-compassion, and the level of emotional deprivation among the sample members, and the significance of the difference among the members of the research sample on the scale of self-compassion and emotional deprivation according to the research variable: gender, the number of the years of residence, and the researcher relied on the descriptive approach, and the research sample consisted of (100) male and female adolescents.(Manal Awady and Fatima Zaloma,2011), and the research concluded the following results: There is an average level of self- compassion among a sample of adolescents residing in social care homes,There is an average level of emotional deprivation among a sample of adolescents residing in social care homes,There is no statistically significant correlation between self- compassion and emotional deprivation among a sample of adolescents residing in social care homes, There are no statistically significant difference between the average scores of the research sample members on the self-compassion scale according to the gender variable, There are no statistically significant difference between the average scores of the research sample members on the emotional deprivation scale according to the gender variable., There are no statistically significant difference between the average scores of the research sample members on the emotional deprivation scale according to the variable number of years of residence.


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How to Cite

Self-compassion and its relationship to emotional deprivation A field study on a sample of adolescent residing in social care homes in the governorate of Damascus. (2023). Damascus University Journal of Educational and Psychologyical Sciences, 39(1).