Self-esteem and its relationship to social anxiety among a sample of stuttering children in special education centers in Damascus governorate.


  • afra khalil damascus university


Self-Esteem, Social Anxiety, Stuttering


The aim of the research is to know the relationship between self-esteem and social anxiety among a sample of stuttering children in special education centers in the governorate of Damascus, as well as to know the differences in social anxiety, and self-esteem according to the variable of the severity of stuttering among the members of the research sample. The research sample consisted of (61) boys and girls, of whom (45) were males and (16) were female, and using (the social anxiety scale, the self-esteem scale, and the stuttering severity scale), the research results reached the following results:

  • There is a negative and statistically significant correlation between the scores of the research sample members on the self-esteem scale and their scores on the social anxiety scale.
  • There are statistically significant differences between the mean scores of the research sample individuals on the self-esteem scale depending on the stuttering severity variable.
  • There are statistically significant differences between the mean scores of the research sample members on the social anxiety scale according to the stuttering severity variable.


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How to Cite

Self-esteem and its relationship to social anxiety among a sample of stuttering children in special education centers in Damascus governorate. (2023). Damascus University Journal of Educational and Psychologyical Sciences, 39(2).