The state of psychological flow among a sample of secondary school teachers in Damascus city schools


  • Hanan Daher damascus university
  • Amina Rizk damascus university


Psychological Flow, Self-Awarenes


The study aims to identify the level of psychological flow in a sample of secondary school teachers in Damascus secondary schools, and to identify the differences in the degree of psychological flow between the teachers of the high schools and the regular schools according to the variable / gender and years of service. The study sample was (314) individuals divided into (89) males and (225) females in the available way. The sample was applied to the psychological state of the flow rate prepared by Khatib and Mousawi, 2016. ), The results showed that the level of assessment of psychological flow of teachers was at an average rate. There were statistically significant differences between the average scores of the sample on the flow scale according to the school type variable (natural and superior) for the distinguished schoolteachers. There were statistically significant differences between the mean scores of the research sample on the psychological flow scale according to the gender variable in favor of males, and the absence of statistically significant differences between the average sample scores on the sample of the study. Flow meter according to different years of service or Experience.



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How to Cite

The state of psychological flow among a sample of secondary school teachers in Damascus city schools. (2023). Damascus University Journal of Educational and Psychologyical Sciences, 39(3).