Measuring Manager's Personal Traits and its Impact on Strategic Entrepreneurship in Some Traditional Banks Working in Damascus


  • Dr. Majd Sackour Damascus university


Personal Traits, Strategic Entrepreneurship, Extroversion, Openness, Compatibility


This research aims to measure the personal traits of managers, in particular the following traits: (Openness- extroversion- compatibility- neuroticism- conscience), and to identify their impact on achieving strategic entrepreneurship in a sample of traditional private banks operating in the city of Damascus, with an indication of whether there are statistically significant differences in the answers of the respondents about the personal characteristics of managers, according to some demographic factors. The researcher adopted the positivism philosophy, the deductive method and the quantitative method by using a questionnaire to display and measure the study variables and draw conclusions, and a convenient sample (70) was taken. The most important results of the study were that most of the administrators in the targeted banks are from relatively young age groups, and this corresponds to the characteristics of the relatively young Syrian society, with the availability of dimensions of personal traits with them in high proportions. It was also found that the model of the relationship between personality traits in its five dimensions and strategic entrepreneurship is significant and statistically important, as it was found that 31.8% of the variance in the dependent variable such as innovation, risk and vision, is explained by the change in the components of personality traits such as openness, extraversion and neuroticism. Thus, there is a significant effect of the dimensions of personality traits on strategic entrepreneurship. There were no statistically significant differences in the dimensions of the combined personality traits attributed to the two demographic variables: Age and gender, while the study showed the presence of statistically significant differences attributable to the educational level and working position. The current study presented a set of proposals that organizations can adopt to develop their business and manage their future by means of entrepreneurial intelligence,  .


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How to Cite

Measuring Manager’s Personal Traits and its Impact on Strategic Entrepreneurship in Some Traditional Banks Working in Damascus . (2023). Damascus University Journal for the Economic and Political Sciences , 39(1).