Tissue culture technique on micropopagation of grape B41
Vitis vinifera, B41Abstract
This research was carried out in the Tissue Culture Lab of the National Commission of Biotechnology (NCBT) in Damascus/ Syria and in Faculty of Agriculture– Damascus University during 2018- 2019 to optimize an effective method for micropopagation of grape Vitis vinifera L. Explants of (0.5-1cm) with adjacent bud were planted in multiplying stage on MS medium contains different concentrations of BAP (0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 3 mg/ l ), with or without 0.2 mg/ l NAA or IAA. The multiplied explants transferd in comparsion with MS medium without hormones (control) with different concentrations of IAA (1, 2, 4, 8 mg/ l) for its rooting stage. The results revealed that the hormone combinations (2 mg/ l BAP + 0.2 mg/ l NAA) had the highest average of the plant length (3.233 cm), leaves and the number of formed buds (5.667 leaf, 4.667 bud/ plant biopsy respectively). The hormonal combinations BAP/ NAA led to an obvious increase in the studied parameters in compare to hormonal combinations treatments BAP/ IAA and nutrition medium with BAP only treatments, whereas the hormonal combinations IAA/ NAA did not led to an obvious increase in the number of leaves and formed buds in compare with nutrition medium with BAP only treatments. The best percentage of rooting (92.8%) was achieved in MS medium suplementecl with (1 mg/ l IAA). 87% of the adapted produced plantlets from tissue culture were successfully moved and planted in soil.