Identify Types Of Chemical Compounds Of Thickening Materials Extracted From The Malva By FT-IR Technology
Thickeners, Malva, Fourier transform infrared technologyAbstract
This research aimed to study the chemical composition of thickening materials extracted from the Malva plant. The research was conducted in the laboratories of the Faculty of Science, University of Damascus. The thickening materials were extracted using organic solvents (acetone), then dried in a drying oven at 45°C until the weight was constant, and preserved in dry powder form for later use.
It was possible to determine The chemical composition of the extracted materials based on the Fourier Infrared Analysis (FT-IR) technique, based on determining the nature of the functional groups present in these materials. The resulting FT-IR spectrum contained many peaks that indicated the presence of functional groups that are involved in the synthesis of mallow thickening materials.
Hydroxyl, methyl and carboxyl groups appeared, which are involved in the synthesis of the main components of thickening materials, which are galactose, rhamnose, and galacturonic acid. Some peaks also indicated peptic bonds, which is evidence of the presence of the protein.