The legal system for the circulation of electronic provisions ready for transfer


  • Ibrahim Tawil
  • Dr. Haytham Altass


Transferable Document - Functional equivalent - Electronic signature creation data - Reliability - Electronic Endorsement - Electronic Right Transfer - UNCITRAL - General Reliability Standard


The electronic environment is characterized by speed and ease in achieving legal actions, which constitutes a suitable environment for electronic transactions to flourish, which will certainly require a functional equivalent to transfer related rights, which means the necessity of an electronic alternative to achieve the function of transferring rights. However, the problem of proof in the electronic environment resulting from the requirements of reliability which is focused on signatory’s control  over The electronic signature system creates a question about how to transfer this control between the concerned parties, as well as how to apply the requirements for the reliability of types of transferring , so this research attempts to review the legal system for that while intersecting it with the current texts regulating some types of transferable electronic documents.


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How to Cite

The legal system for the circulation of electronic provisions ready for transfer. (2023). Damascus University Journal for Legal Sciences, 3(1).