Main Steps In Fighting Against Administrative Corruption


  • سوسن البيطار


Administrative Corruption , Negative Effects Of Corruption , Administrative Correction , Action Against Corruption , Administrative Development.


Public sector employees are substantial element for the  government, Which led to grating them major trust, authorities and powers  that commensurate with their responsibilities. However, no matter how much the government tries to be careful in selecting its employees in terms of competence and integrity, This will not completely prevent some corrupt people from entering into the world of civil service and the public sector. whom once they get the job. They show the impulses of personal interest and individual selfishness in its worst forms. They deliberately abuse the power granted to them in order to achieve material or moral personal gains and benefits that are not related to the public interest.

 This is what is expressed in administrative corruption. Which is represented in every deviation of the public office and its objectives from the purpose for which it was found, which is the realization of the public interest.

 The research came as a result of the overcrowding experienced by government institutions and public administrations. Which also has weak

productivity, sabotaging, and traditional work methods that lack automation, administrative organization, and job descriptions.

 The war that Syria went through revealed many aspects of corruption. And motivating the need for administrative reform, and not creating corruption, as aspects that needed reform appeared, which were thought out in depth during the war, and led to the launch of the administrative reform project. With the passage of time, it was necessary to move from the mentality of war in order to survive to the mentality of restoring the law by organizing the provision of public services, organizing and upgrading the work of the government, fighting corruption and upgrading the performance of government institutions . This is done by involving citizens in evaluating and developing these institutions, simplifying procedures, using modern technology, and activating their administrations in a way that restores Syria to keeping up with the global development in this field.



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How to Cite

Main Steps In Fighting Against Administrative Corruption. (2023). Damascus University Journal for Legal Sciences, 3(3).