Cynicism in AL Maarri Luzumeat


  • D.lames Abdul Azeez dawod damascusuniversity


cynicism, AL –Maarri luzumeat, definition of the concept of cynicism, AL –Maarri motives for ridicule, the manifestation of irony, cynical functions


Irony is a way of taunting bitter, scarce or satire, it exposes ugliness in aspecial way in which literaries express social, political, and other concerns and problems, in the form of smiles and paradoxes.

Abo ALa  al- Maarri has excelled in his (luzumeat), in devising different ways and methods to ridicule society, politics, some religious manifestations, and the whole existence.

The significance of this research is that the topic of irony in AL – Maarri luzumeat has never studied an aesthetic study before, the researcher would like to highlight this funny idea. He began by defining irony, indicating aclear relationship between (cynicism) and (ugliness).

Then he studied the character of AL –Maarri and his motives for ridicule and moved on to talk about the manifestations of irony: political, social, religious  and philosophical cynicism. He mentioned the poet's adoption of ingenious methods of expression his irony as irony, exaggeration, contradiction and

artistic image. The researcher didn’t lose sight of the most important functions of cynicism social political and religious reform, and preaching, rejuvenation and recreation. He then mentioned his findings .


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How to Cite

Cynicism in AL Maarri Luzumeat. (2024). Damascus University Journal of Arts and Humanities Sciences, 40(3).