Assessment of The Reality of Civil Society ServicesA Field Study in Al-Hasakah City


  • Alan Hasan Damascus university


Civil Society, Organizations, Services


The current research aims to diagnose and evaluate the reality of civil society services provided in several communities in Al-Hasakah City, with an overview of the nature of families’ residence in these communities; It is necessary to present an overview of this reality and evaluate it in order to rely on reliable data. Hence the importance of this research stems from the possibility of considering it as a model for later research. In this context, scientific methodological methods were relied on; As (20) focused discussion sessions were carried out with (182) people, divided into (4) local communities in Al-Hasakah City to evaluate the reality of services provided by civil society institutions located in these areas, and the research reached several results, most notably that there are many services provided by civil society organizations in Al-Hasakah City, and their adequacy was assessed according to the following: - Child protection services exist and were assessed as insufficient in (65%) of the studied communities. Services for the elderly and legal services do not exist and are needed by (50%) of societies. - Livelihood services and women-specific services are present and insufficient

in (55%) of the communities for each of them. - Psychosocial support services are present and insufficient in (70%) of the communities. The research ends with a set of proposals that may improve the reality of civil society services


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How to Cite

Assessment of The Reality of Civil Society ServicesA Field Study in Al-Hasakah City. (2024). Damascus University Journal of Arts and Humanities Sciences, 40(2).