Good reasoning in Ibn al- Wardi's(749-691)poetic meanings


  • Lama rakan abdo damascusuniversity
  • monera mohamed faaor damascusuniversity


Ibn al- Wardi, Good Reasoning, Cause, Effect, Imaginary Cause, Imagination, Claim, Innovation


is one of the morally creative methods, which is considered one of the means of articulation in speech, and one of the methods of rhetorical persuasion. An imaginary description of something other than the true cause, and the illusion of its realization and its determination, and from the creative poets who employed good reasoning in formulating their poetic meanings the poet (Ibn al-Wardi), as the beautiful and beautiful explanations were scattered for all purposes and poetic meanings to him, such as pride, slander, praise, and praise, and wisdom.

This research (niceness of causal explanation in Ibn al-Wardi's poetry) establishes the method of good explanation in Arabic rhetoric, and sheds light on its rhetorical, aesthetic and emotive value in Ibn al-Wardi's poetry through the rhetorical analysis of many of its evid. This research came in an introduction, two chapters and aconclusion


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How to Cite

Good reasoning in Ibn al- Wardi’s(749-691)poetic meanings. (2024). Damascus University Journal of Arts and Humanities Sciences, 40(3).