The main forms of organizing industrial production and directions for their development in the Damascus region


  • Dr. Abeer Mahmoud Al-Halabi damascus university


organization of production, regional specialization, geographical concentration, combination, Forms of Organization of Industrial , Industrial Production, Organization


The organization of production is one of the main factors in economic and social development, and it embodies the mechanism of the innovative orientation of the industrial development strategy in the planning programs and effective policies in the field of achieving sustainable development. In the production process in order to achieve efficient economic and social production.

The organization of production is the key to the effective operation of industrial production enterprises, as it provides opportunities to raise production growth rates, improve product quality, and make optimal use of available resources. Issues of increasing the effectiveness of production organization are addressed through the development and implementation of an advanced strategy that allows for radical changes in production efficiency indicators and increasing its competitiveness.

This study aims to analyze the dynamics of industrial production, and to reveal the trends of structural transformation of this production in the Damascus region, through a set of methodological methods and tools for evaluating the forms of production organization, including the Hirschmann-

Herfindahl index, the Krugman index to determine geographical concentration, regional specialization, etc., and the influence panel method. Al-Thayat is to determine the most important factors in the structural transformation of production based on the model of interaction between the regional characteristics of the Damascus region and the characteristics of the industry, and to evaluate the organizational situation of production in the Damascus region under the current circumstances, and its effectiveness in changing the structural structure of production, which represents one of the main trends in economic development, which It paves the way for laying the scientific foundations for the development of forms of production organization, in line with scientific and technical progress, and functional integration processes, which is an important condition for improving production efficiency,increasing its competitiveness, and accelerating the economic and social development of the study region.



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How to Cite

The main forms of organizing industrial production and directions for their development in the Damascus region. (2024). Damascus University Journal of Arts and Humanities Sciences, 40(1).