The Religious Dimension in the Poetry of the Islamic Requisition Poets


  • Dr. Hiba Akeel


The Religious Dimension in the Poetry of the Islamic Requisition Poets


This research tries to focus on the religious dimension in the poetry of a specific community of poets; those are the poets of the Islamic requisition (Hassan bin Thabet, Ka'b bin Malek, Abdullah bin Rawaha). They accepted Islam and represented it in deed and by words. They understand the poetry newly depending on the speech of Prophet Mohamed (pbuh) who said: "poetry is a narrated speech, what fits truth is good, what doesn't fit is bad.". They considered poetry as a tool to promote  for Islam, and as a weapon to protect it, and protect  Prophet Mohamed (pbuh) from Quraish and other polytheist poets.

The research follows the religious dimension in this poetry through specific contexts. These contexts merge sometimes, and they separate and differ other times. But they finally complement each other to achieve the artistic aim. These contexts are: the context of compliment and glory, the context of satire, and the context of elegy.

the research aims first to declare how far the poets represented the values, teachings and essentials of Islam. Secondly it aims to justify the presence or the absence or disappearance of the religious effect in different contexts.  


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How to Cite

The Religious Dimension in the Poetry of the Islamic Requisition Poets. (2021). Damascus University Journal of Arts and Humanities Sciences, 34(2).