The Effect of the Type of Work on the Value of Land in the Countryside: Between Social and Material Value A Field Study (Jdeidat Artouz as a Model)


  • Dr. yahyaa sulayman qusam


The Effect of the Type of Work on the Value of Land in the Countryside: Between Social and Material Value A Field Study (Jdeidat Artouz as a Model)


The study of the countryside is considered one of the traditional studies. First, there are many factors affecting life in the countryside. Second, phenomena that are liable to study are diverse. Third, these phenomena are constantly changing. Farming forms the essence of the relationship between the farmer and the land. However, the work done by farmers children is not limited to farming. Working in the countryside, especially next to cities, became diverse with the diversity of professions and  specialties, and this led to the continuous departure of the sons of countryside from work in the land causing the weakness of belonging to it, and thus the land losing its social value, which was cherished by the peasants, and becoming a commodity easy to sell and buy.

This field study focuses on a specific issue: the effect of change in the type of work in the village on the social value of land. The study took the village of "Jdeidat Artouz" as a model for the villages invaded by the city. Its residents are straying away from agricultural work, especially those who are educated, to other jobs. That leads to the continuous departure from the land. The research relied on the descriptive analytical method, which enabled benefiting from the observations obtained, which were formed as indicators in the means of study, enabling data collection and analysis and then the formulation of the results that were included at the end of the research.


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How to Cite

The Effect of the Type of Work on the Value of Land in the Countryside: Between Social and Material Value A Field Study (Jdeidat Artouz as a Model). (2021). Damascus University Journal of Arts and Humanities Sciences, 35(2).