Using new media as a source of information about the 2023 earthquake in Syria and TurkeyA field study on a sample of students from the Faculty of Arts at Damascus University In the period from 1-8 to 30-11-2023


  • Sameera mohi aldin shikani damascus university


New Media, Earthquake in Syria and Turkey


The study aimed to determine the extent to which students of the Faculty of Arts at Damascus University use new media as a source of information about the 2023 earthquake in Syria and Turkey. It is a descriptive study that relied on the media survey method by applying it to a deliberate sample of (400) individuals from new media users using a questionnaire sheet. The study found intense exposure to new media and high use as a source of information about the 2023 earthquake in Syria and Turkey. Micro-blogging and social networking topped the list of new media most used for obtaining information.

News, reports, opinions, and suggestions exchanged on social media networks, risk-avoidance guidelines, and reports from local and international competent authorities were the most preferred content.

The most important reasons and motivations for their use of these means are their speed in transmitting earthquake events, the continuous updating of their content, and the ease of communicating through them with family, friends, and acquaintances, in addition to freedom of expression. The results indicated

that cognitive, emotional and behavioral effects were achieved as a result of their use of new media, and most of them expressed their great satisfaction with their performance during the earthquake.


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How to Cite

Using new media as a source of information about the 2023 earthquake in Syria and TurkeyA field study on a sample of students from the Faculty of Arts at Damascus University In the period from 1-8 to 30-11-2023. (2024). Damascus University Journal of Arts and Humanities Sciences, 40(3).