Political Conflicts In Andalusia And Their Impact On The Spread Of The Maliki School


  • Dr. Bashar Abbas Damascus university


Maliki school, Almoravids, Almohads, Umayyads, Jurists


Andalusian society, after the Arab-Islamic conquests, witnessed wide differences between the major Islamic powers there, which reached the stage of political conflicts, which led to the influence of religious sects in those conflicts, through the standing of each sect on the side of one of the competing political forces, and therefore religious controversies occurred.  It is wide, in which each sect sought to show the eligibility of the party that stands on its side, and this had direct repercussions on the religious and political reality alike.  The Maliki school was one of those existing and competing schools of thought, which was greatly affected by those existing political struggles, at times it would be welcomed and supported by the ruling authorities such as the Umayyads and the Almoravids, and at other times it would be the subject of accusation, persecution and fighting by other forces such as the Almohads.

As a result of these political tensions and the fluctuations of the ruling power, great effects were reflected on the religious reality in Andalusia in general and on the Maliki school of thought in particular.


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How to Cite

Political Conflicts In Andalusia And Their Impact On The Spread Of The Maliki School. (2023). Damascus University Journal of Historical Studies, 147(4). https://journal.damascusuniversity.edu.sy/index.php/hisj/article/view/9461