The true History of the End of the Nabataean political Presence in the Levant in 111 AD


  • Dr. Rihab Safi


The true History of the End of the Nabataean political Presence in the Levant in 111 AD


The research talks about the true history of the demise of the political role of the Nabataean kingdom, which took place in (111 AD) instead of the incorrect date (106 AD) mentioned by previous studies. The research also confirms the mention of King Malik III, the last king of the Nabataeans, who was not mentioned by Arab references and many other foreign references. This king fought the Romans for five years in defense of his country's political independence. The research also shows the real underlying reasons for undermining the pillars of the Nabataean kingdom in order to achieve the Roman great expansion project in the east, which was to extend the borders of their empire to the Arabian Gulf and east of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. To do this, the Romans included all the small states that were inside their political orbit, including the Nabataean Arab Kingdom.


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How to Cite

The true History of the End of the Nabataean political Presence in the Levant in 111 AD. (2022). Damascus University Journal of Historical Studies, 142(2).