Study of the effect of glucose on HIF-1α protein expression in oral squamous cell carcinoma developed in hamsters.


  • Safa Zakaraia Faculty of Dentisty, Damascus University
  • Charif Barakat Faculty of Dentisty, Damascus University


Oral squamous cell carcinoma, Glucose, HIF-1α: Hypoxia-inducible factors, Hamsters


Abstract: Head and neck cancer is the sixth most frequent cancer worldwide and over 90%of head and neck cancer occurs in the oral cavity, Cancer cells have a different metabolism method than normal cells, the metabolic reprogramming used to be recognized as one aspect of cancer cells adaptive response to hypoxia

Aim of study: Studying the effect of a diet (glucose-rich or free) on the stages of histological development of squamous cell carcinoma induced in hamsters, and studying the effect of the diet on the neoplastic hypoxia environment through a study of HIF-1α expression.

Materials and Methods: 40 of the experiment’s  Syrian Hamsters were incubated in tow groups: 1st one consisted of 20 hamsters on which the carcinogenic material was applied within the cheek pocket three days per week with a diet rich in sugars,while the 2nd one was 20 hamsters  which the carcinogenic material was applied within the cheek pocket three days per week with a diet free in sugars. Immunohistochemically study was performed after staining with HIF-1α  antibody on samples taken from experimental animals.

Results: Hypoxia increased with the diet rich-glucose and HIF-1α of the first group showed 56.6% and in the second group 43.3%.

Conclusion: Oral Squamous cell carcinoma develops faster with a diet rich-glucose, and reducing sugars limits Oral squamous cell carcinoma development and reduces the hypoxic environment.


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How to Cite

Study of the effect of glucose on HIF-1α protein expression in oral squamous cell carcinoma developed in hamsters. (2024). Damascus University Journal for Medical Sciences, 40(3).