The Influence of Sugar-free Lozenges On the Variation of pH Levels in Saliva (Clinical -Laboratory study)


  • Nada Bshara , Lilian Azrak


Sugar alcohols, sugar-free sucking Lozenges, in Vivo, pH


Background& Objective: Sugar alcohols are used as an alternative to sugar in many medical products.  The aim of this study was to evaluate the extent of the decline in the pH value of three commercially available sugar-free Lozenges.

Materials & Methods: The study included three types of commercially available sucking grains (Refreshing Dental - Instant Burst - Sour Fruits) and was placed in distilled water and measured the value of distilled water pH after placing the suction Lozenges during several time periods from the moment 0 (5- 10- 15-20-25-30 min). One Way ANOVA was performed to study the differences in pH values ​​between the tested sucking Lozenges in the study.

Results: The pH decrease in the three groups was statistically significant for distilled water (P <.0005). Refreshing Dental and Sour Fruits showed a lower pH decrease and a statistical difference from the Instant Burst group (P <.0005).

In Vivo: The dissolution time of tested sucking Lozenges in the mouth was between 2 to 5 minutes. The pH value in the mouth didn’t drop below 5.5 the critical value that causes demineralization of the enamel.

Conclusion: The tested sucking Lozenges caused in Vitro a decrease in the pH value below 5.5 but in Vivo the buffering capacity of the saliva was capable of maintaining the pH > 5.5 during and in the first 5 minutes after the dissolution, which is the critical factor that causes demineralization of the enamel, so we can use sugar free sucking Lozenges safely if there is no alteration in the secretion of the saliva.


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How to Cite

The Influence of Sugar-free Lozenges On the Variation of pH Levels in Saliva (Clinical -Laboratory study). (2021). Damascus University Journal for Medical Sciences, 36(4).