Skin cancer treatment by by using dried and gamma irradiation sterilized Amniotic membrane (AmnioGraft)


  • Mahfouz Mustafa Al-Bachir Syrian Atomic Energy Commission, Damascus, Syria.
  • Wael Abdulmohsen Albarazi Damascus hospital, Damascus, Syria.
  • Eslam Ahmad Almeslamani Damascus hospital, Damascus, Syria.


Amniotic membrane, Amniotic membrane properties, AmnioGraft, Skin cancer


Skin cancer is most common diagnosed cancer in the world. Cancer is leading cause of death worldwide. The main porpuse of this study was to evaluste the AmnioGraft as domestic products for healing case of squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), by curative surgery removes the cancerous tumor grputh from the skin. The wide spread and deep degree of wound healing process on post-operation was conducted by covering the damaged area by lyer of skinfold obtained from the groin area. Followed by by covering the damaged area of the skin by AmnioGraft, for enhancing healing of the wound compensation of skin and tissue losses resulting from surgery treatment and healing the cancer, and fellow up the case to verify the complate wound healing and inhibiting growth and spread cell cancer, due to uique biochemical properties and characteristics of amniotic membrane, including owning the stem cells,   Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), and growth and anticancer factors. The results of this study indicated that, the use of AmnioGraft for skic cancer can be considered highly effective to improve the healing of woundsm compensation of skin and tissue losses. Suggesting that application of Amniograft could be effective way for inhibiting growth and spread of cell cancer, due to its properties and characteristics. Our recommendation to verify this hypothesis is to fallow up on the case of this study and cary out further scientific work in this context.


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How to Cite

Skin cancer treatment by by using dried and gamma irradiation sterilized Amniotic membrane (AmnioGraft). (2025). Damascus University Journal for Medical Sciences, 41(1).