Titeration Of High Sensitive C- reactive Protein hs-CRP And It ҆s Value In Patients With Unstable Angina Pectoris


  • Dr.Safaa Hawwa كلية الطب البشري - جامعة دمشق
  • Dr.Faihaa Abo Fakhr كلية الطب البشري - جامعة دمشق
  • Dr.Husam Aldein Shebli كلية الطب البشري - جامعة دمشق


Ischemic atherosclerosis in the coronary arteries is the most common cause of ischemic heart disease, which has increased rates worldwide. Recently, inflammatory mechanisms have been shown to play an important role in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. One of the most important inflammatory media currently studied is reactive protein C, where recent studies have shown that high levels of serology play an important role in increasing the risk of coronary events in patients with stable or unstable chest gonorrhea (1-2)

The study included 75 patients with unstable chest ulcers admitted to Al-Assad Hospital and the University Hospital. These patients were followed up during the period of hospitalization and during the next 9-6 months for discharge from the hospital

Exclusion criteria included acute heart disease patients during the three months preceding the study, acute or chronic renal insufficiency, hepatitis, diabetic and modern surgery during the two months preceding the study, the use of statins during the month preceding the study and patients with CRP> 10 mg / l

The mean values of hs-CRP in the studied population were 3.36 ± 1.67 mglL, and hS-CRP levels were not associated with short-term warning. However, we found that increased levels of hS-CRP were associated with an increased risk of recurrence Long-term mean mean values of hS-CRP (4.19 mglL) in patients who had recurrence


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How to Cite

Titeration Of High Sensitive C- reactive Protein hs-CRP And It ҆s Value In Patients With Unstable Angina Pectoris. (2024). Damascus University Journal for Medical Sciences, 35(4). https://journal.damascusuniversity.edu.sy/index.php/heaj/article/view/12194