Determination the most visible signs of urbanization In the vicinity of Damascus International Airport by using Geographic Information System (GIS)


  • Dr Mahmoud AL MOHAMED, Dr. Rida DIB, Dr. Issa MAHMOUD


Expanding urban, Neighbourhood method, Management the neighbouring areas surrounding of airports, Geographic Information System, Organizational chart of rural Damascus, International Airport of Damascus, Syria


The goal of this research is to monitor nature and size of currents human activities around International Airport of Damascus, which indicate until 27 Nov. 2011, or the presence of evidences indicate increasing urban in the future. We have used an image from Google Earth site (Raster, resolution: 1m) as a means of search. We follow the visual interpretation for the components relevant the urban expanding. We follow the neighbourhood method (buffering) to determine the land-use units at equal distance from the airport campus. By using this method, we have statistical tables; represent the most sites that threaten the campus of the airport. In the end, we have crossed the organizational of neighbour villages with this map. The result of this research is to note that the North - East (Al-kafrin village) and, surrounding represent the biggest threat. The second threat is the East (Gdidat-Alghas village). These results could be directing to the responsible of management to take the necessary action to stop the urban expanding and, to avoid risks for the neighbour’s residents.


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How to Cite

Determination the most visible signs of urbanization In the vicinity of Damascus International Airport by using Geographic Information System (GIS). (2021). Damascus University Journal for Engineering Sciences, 35(1).