In Spatial Prediction Of Nitrate In Southern Tartous Governorate (Taishor Region)


  • عماد الدرويش عربي سوري
  • Dr. GHada Bilal Damascus university


nitrate, ground water, IDW, Kriging


Groundwater is considered one of the most important sources available for use in the interior and some coastal areas in Syrian Arab Republic, so its quality must be controlled.

Data related to spatial and temporal distribution has a great importance, as mathematical interpolation methods are one of the most advanced technologies used for water quality prediction.

The two methods kriging, idw were used in order to predict the spatial distribution of nitrate NO3- in groundwater, and data were collected from the Water Directorate in Tartous Governorate for 25 wells distributed from the Tishur area towards Al-Mentar, due to the emergence of the problem of pollution of the Tishur well from leakage in the sewage network from February 2018 to the present date, after tabulating the data, plotting the change, and using the lowest value of RSS, and accordingly, the exponential function of the KRIGING method was chosen as the best model, the best forecasting method was determined based on the CROSS-VALIDATION and RMSE value.

The results showed that the IDW method is the best method compared with KRIGING, and there is a large spatial dependency on the nitrate variable, then maps of nitrate distribution were prepared using the KRIGING method, and the suitability of groundwater for drinking, irrigation and use in this area was determined.



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How to Cite

In Spatial Prediction Of Nitrate In Southern Tartous Governorate (Taishor Region). (2024). Damascus University Journal for Engineering Sciences, 40(2).