Aesthetics Of Rhythm In The Drawings Of The Manuscript Of The Rabbula Gospel


  • Fawaz Joban Damascus University
  • Dr. Hala Al sabone Damascus University


Aesthetics, Rhythm, Illustrations, Rabbula's Gospel


Rhythm represents one of the points of convergence between the arts in general, as it is the common fabric between them, and takes its aesthetic concept in the field of plastic arts from its relationship with the elements of artistic formation, it is one of them, including (symmetry, repetition, similarity, diversity and congruence), Through which the creative artistic formation is accomplished, whether the formation is simplified or complex.

The element of rhythm derives its aesthetic dimensions from the components and patterns of life, starting from time and its pulse, to the heart and its beats. However, it crystallizes clearly in the creative arts, and it appears in its homogeneity, diversity and patterns, making the creative work into a form of artistic design that is reflected in its impact and aesthetics on most life activities. We find it clearly in architectural and advertising designs, as well as in paintings, paintings and engravings, and its presence in sculptural achievements cannot be overlooked.

In all cases, the rhythm emerges from the personality of the artist who accomplishes his creative work, influenced by the rhythmic patterns around him, whether natural or human, which he witnessed and interacted with in his daily life. Among these creative images are those drawn by the Syriac artist of Syrian origin, those drawings and miniatures that were included in the pages of the Rabbula gospel manuscript.

In this study, the researcher resorted to addressing the points related to the subject of artistic rhythm and its role in building paintings. And highlighting the types that the artist used in accomplishing his creative work, and how to deal with rhythm as an aesthetic concept that pulls the recipient to reach the desired goal of depicting those events and facts that took place in that era of history.


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How to Cite

Aesthetics Of Rhythm In The Drawings Of The Manuscript Of The Rabbula Gospel. (2023). Damascus University Journal for Engineering Sciences, 39(4).