Some applications of deep fake technology and its use in contemporary marketing and promotion


  • لجين خضور كلية الفنون الجميلة - جامعة دمشق
  • Prof. Abd Alnaser Wanos


Deep Fake, Marketing, Promotion


Every modern technology has both negative and positive sides. In light of the ongoing conflict and competition between companies, the designer always tries to employ this development in the service of his marketing and promotional means and make them accessible to society in a striking manner that achieves the goals of profitable companies, Despite the devastating effects that deep forgery can have, it is an effective marketing tool in promoting ideas and products by reviving the famous personalities of the past with a difference in society and providing a service, product or idea through it, which creates a multiplier effect on the target recipient of the service or the message,This technology can also be used in scientific museums and revive ancient scientists by making them talk about their inventions and discoveries to students.



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How to Cite

Some applications of deep fake technology and its use in contemporary marketing and promotion. (2023). Damascus University Journal for Engineering Sciences, 39(2).