Visual identity of Islamic schools and the impact of war Case Study )Sultanieyh Madrasa(


  • م. دانه قهوه جي جامعة دمشق
  • Dr. Abeer Arkawi


Identity, Visual identity, Islamic schools, War, Aleppo


Many architects and historians refer to the concept of identity and the deep relation with the urban and architectural heritage. Therefore, architects seek to protect the historical buildings from demising; With the war on Syria, especially the old city of Aleppo beside the disrespect for the old historical identity and its main cause for losing perceptive skyline of the city.

The research based on the theoretical aspect is directed to a simple explanation of Islamic schools, their origins and the development of their architecture, and a definition of identity, its types and elements, by emphasizing the necessity of applying and respecting them in the correct manner; and the possibility of applying these elements on a local model reflects its importance and the factors that shaped it, followed by a review of the integrated urban visual skyline of these elements; the research summarizes the need to pay attention and consideration effect of war damage on the visual identity as a key factor to help on preservation urban and architectural heritage of the city.






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How to Cite

Visual identity of Islamic schools and the impact of war Case Study )Sultanieyh Madrasa(. (2023). Damascus University Journal for Engineering Sciences, 39(2).