Modern European Medal between Renewal and Imitation from 1890 to 1920


  • Dr. Fouad Dahdouh


When talking about the plastic heritage of the Arab library that is crowded with thousands of images, one can find that this heritage does not contain any extensive studies on the medal, in particularl. This calls for writing an extensive research about the modernist creativity and its impact on the European medal between 1890 and 1920.

Although modernism revolted against the past in every respect, the medal remained an exception which was only influenced within minor limits the presence of which was clear in France whereas  some European countries and Germany, in particular, preserved its heritage. This came as a shock to the historians of that period.

works and evidence were carefully chosen to be valid for argument on the one hand, and to have indications in their context whether they were  innovations or imitations on the other hand.



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Author Biography

  • Dr. Fouad Dahdouh

    Assistant Professor - Sculpture Department - Faculty of Fine Arts - Damascus University.




How to Cite

Modern European Medal between Renewal and Imitation from 1890 to 1920. (2021). Damascus University Journal for Engineering Sciences, 36(1).