The Influence of Heat Treatment on Corrosion Rate of Medium Carbon Steel


  • zainab ghabsheh طالبة ماجستير في قسم التصميم الميكانيكي بكلية الهمك
  • Dr. Eng. Hasan Hadla


Keywords: Medium Carbon steel, Corrosion rate, Microstructure, Heat treatm



Plurality of engineering and industrial medium carbon steel usage and the raise in its corrosion rate in high hardness water are one of the reasons and scientific researches, which are purposeful to select heat treatment works on supporting corrosion resistant of medium carbon steel, and improving its performance efficiency.

Researches appears existence of a relationship between the applied heat treatment and the corrosion rate of studied carbon steel. Where five heat treatments are applied on a group of carbon steel specimens, then the specimens are immersed with high hardness water for specific time period and specimen’s corrosion rates are calculated. Finally, the most appropriate heat treatment is selected.


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How to Cite

The Influence of Heat Treatment on Corrosion Rate of Medium Carbon Steel. (2023). Damascus University Journal for Engineering Sciences, 38(5).