Effect of Hydraulic Loading Rates Changes on Phosphorous Removal Efficiency from Water by Using Duck Weed


  • Eng. Rasha Ehsan Bnayyan


phosphorous removal, duck weed, hydraulic loading



 Many searches studied advanced treatment of sewage water by using aquatic plants, such as Duck Weed, but most of the searches studied removal rates of elements which we need to decrease- including phosphorous-, without study effect of changes of design parameters and considerations as detention time and hydraulic loading rates of treating ponds on removal efficiency.

So the importance of this search is to define these design parameters and considerations in local circumstances, and registration them by search's experiments to reach to removal requirement for special uses of treating sewage.

Therefore, the purpose of this search is studying treatment of sewage by using duck weed and test several tanks by planting Duck Weed in them, then test several hydraulic loading rates with confirmation others design parameters, within several detention times, so that to study effect of changes of these loadings on removal efficiency, and ability to achieve special phosphorous removal requirements, basing on best development and working circumstances, to study results depending on removal and treating efficiency.



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How to Cite

Effect of Hydraulic Loading Rates Changes on Phosphorous Removal Efficiency from Water by Using Duck Weed. (2021). Damascus University Journal for Engineering Sciences, 37(2). https://journal.damascusuniversity.edu.sy/index.php/engj/article/view/1593