The Russian position on the Iranian nuclear file


  • Ola Mohamed Bashar Kodmani


The Russian position on the Iranian nuclear file


The issue of the Iranian nuclear file is one of the most important topics that have gained great importance, due to the nature of this file and the great complications related to it. This research focuses on analyzing the reasons and motives for the position of the Russian Federation regarding Iranian politics and its nuclear file, and the repercussions of this file on the two countries, as well as Determining the nature of Russian-Iranian cooperation in order to clarify the interests of both countries with the other, in addition to showing the changes in the Russian position on the nuclear agreement signed with Iran by the five permanent members (the United States of America, China, Russia, France and the United Kingdom) + Germany, and finally the research indicates A set of important results about two regional states governed by common geographical, political and strategic circumstances and divisions, such as the Russian Federation and Iran. At the present time, the Russian-Iranian strategic vision of the international system is identical. Both Russia and Iran see that the decisions of the United States of America are unilateral and carry serious consequences for international peace and security in the future, as the essence of the strategic mind of the Russians and Iranians lies in their rejection and their confrontation of unipolar American hegemony. On the international system, and therefore both Russia and Iran are seeking to move to a multi-polar international system in order to be able to achieve their interests and maximize their regional and international gains, as this vision is evident in confronting the economic sanctions imposed on both the Russian Federation and Iran by the United States of America and its allies, especially After its withdrawal from the signed nuclear agreement, and the new authority in America received its position on the file.


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How to Cite

The Russian position on the Iranian nuclear file. (2021). Damascus University Journal for the Economic and Political Sciences , 37(4).