Trade protectionism in Syria during the period (2000/2020) and its implications for the development of industrial exports (the textile sector as a model)


  • Maha Abed alrahman Damascus university
  • Prof. Mahmoud zanboa Damascus university


Protectionism, Foreign Trade, Import, Tariffs, Exchange


Syria began the twenty-first century, with economic trends towards more commercial freedom, the winds of changing the economic approach began sweeping  legislative environment, the conditions for the application of protectionism were eased, but with the start of the crisis in (2011), pushed the government  to more strictness in managing the economy , and effective control, this  was re-asked about, importance of the state's interventionist role in the economy?

From this question, the research deals with the most important methods of, trade protectionism during the period (2000/2020), where there was a clear difference in the application of, protectionism between the decade that preceded the beginning of the crisis, and the decade that followed it, the researtch reviews the most important methods of applying trade protectionism, such as the system of import quotas, customs tariffs, subsidies, and control over the exchange regimes, which had clear repercussions on production and consumption, and the focus was on the change in the volume of industrial exports, as an important indicator for measuring these repercussions, Examples of methods of applying these repercussions were also presented Protectionism from the reality of the textile sector as a model.

The research concluded that it cannot be certain that trade protectionism has become an old method that must be abandoned. The state’s interventionist role in managing the economy is necessary to control resources and uses, especially in light of inflation and trade balance deficit, bearing in mind that the increase in the volume of industrial exports with a period of decline in protectionism during the first decade of this century , indicates the importance of controlling and mitigating its application as much as possible, as a prerequisite for advancing growth and increasing industrial production.


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How to Cite

Trade protectionism in Syria during the period (2000/2020) and its implications for the development of industrial exports (the textile sector as a model). (2023). Damascus University Journal for the Economic and Political Sciences , 39(1).