The digital economy and its impact in enhancing economic growth in Syria: An econometric study for the period (2000-2021)


  • محمد احمد
  • جولي اسكندر


The shift towards the digital economy is a modern and effective variable in enhancing economic growth, as it contributes directly and indirectly to increasing the gross domestic product of various economic sectors.
In this context, this study aims to examine the impact of the shift towards the digital economy in enhancing the economic growth process in Syria. To achieve this goal, the necessary data was collected to calculate the variables for the time period (2000-2021), and the results were tested using the econometric analysis model (the multiple linear regression equation based on a vector autoregression (VAR) model ) by the statistical program Eviews 13.
The analytical results indicate that there is no a positive impact of the development in technological and digital economy in economic growth in Syria during the study period. The results highlight the importance of the need to increase investments in the infrastructure of the digital economy, and to enhance competitive capabilities in the field of information and communications technologies, in addition to enacting legislation to protect electronic transactions to attract local and foreign investments and enhance confidence in the digital business and economic environment in Syria.


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