Mechanical characteristics of nitinol stent elements


  • Dr. Andrey Savchenko Belarusian National Technical University
  • Dr. Pavel Bogdan Belarusian National Technical University
  • Dr. Vladimir Minchenya Belarusian National Technical University
  • Dr. Heorgiy Viarshyna Belarusian National Technical University
  • Eng. Alexandr Ulasevich Belarusian National Technical University
  • Eng. Sunnat Sattorov Belarusian National Technical University


Heat treatment, Mechanical characteristics, Stentgraft


The article examines the influence of heat treatment conditions, such as device design and wire tension force, on the mechanical characteristics of nitinol wire stent elements. Stent elements are components of an aortic stentgraft for the surgical treatment of aortic aneurysms. It has been shown that with increasing wire tension force, the radial stiffness of the finished heat-treated stent elements decreases. Therefore, it is necessary to fix the wire on the device, providing a minimum tensile force. For experimental studies, samples of Ti-44.48 wire were taken; Ni-49.16; Cu-6.02 from Fukarawa (Japan) with a diameter of 0.45 mm, used for the manufacture of wire frames of stentgrafts. The results obtained will be proposed for implementation in the technological process of manufacturing medical products from nitinol in the Scientific and Technological Park of BNTU "Polytechnic". After production tests, conclusions will be drawn about the advisability of using them in production conditions.


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Author Biographies

  • Dr. Andrey Savchenko, Belarusian National Technical University

    Head of Department, Belarusian National Technical University, Instrumentation

  • Dr. Pavel Bogdan, Belarusian National Technical University

    Associate Professor, Belarusian National Technical University, Biomedical Engineering

  • Dr. Vladimir Minchenya, Belarusian National Technical University

    Chief Researcher, State enterprise“Science and technology park of BNTU Polytechnic”, Instrumentation

  • Dr. Heorgiy Viarshyna, Belarusian National Technical University

    CEO, State enterprise“Science and technology park of BNTU Polytechnic”,  Engineering

  • Eng. Alexandr Ulasevich, Belarusian National Technical University

    Junior Researcher, State enterprise“Science and Technology Park of BNTU Polytechnic”, Biomedical Engineering.

  • Eng. Sunnat Sattorov, Belarusian National Technical University

    Postgraduate, Belarusian National Technical University, Biomedical Engineering


