Predicting age and maturity of endangered Spiny butterfly ray, Gymnura altavela (Linnaues 1758) ‎‎‎using artificial neural network ‎‎(multilayer perceptron)‎


  • نادرر اسكندر الحموي جامعة تشرين


Age, Artificial Neural Network, Gymnura altavela, Maturity, Predicting


The data were derived from several sources, including 338 records of maturity, age, and disc width of the Spiny butterfly ray (Gymnura altavela). ‎An artificial neural network ‎‎(Multilayer Perceptron) model (1, 10, 2) was used to predict the maturity and age of the ‎ Spiny butterfly ray, which is a high-accurate ‎model with excellent efficiency. This network ‎shortens the time, effort and cost compared to traditional methods or a convolutional neural ‎network (CNN) in age prediction. Therefore, we can predict the maturity and age of ‎individuals without killing or harming them, just by getting simple data (disc width) and ‎inter it into the updated model from the network. This network allows us to obtain valuable ‎data for use in studying stock indicators of ‎endangered Spiny butterfly ray ‎without ‎compromising their factual ‎stock.‎


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How to Cite

Predicting age and maturity of endangered Spiny butterfly ray, Gymnura altavela (Linnaues 1758) ‎‎‎using artificial neural network ‎‎(multilayer perceptron)‎. (2024). Damascus University Journal for the Basic Sciences, 40(1).