An Economic Study of the Use of Solar Energy In the Irrigation the of Spring Potato Crop Compared to the Diesel, energy, Case study: Daraa Governorate (Daraa Area)
Solar Energy, Diesel, Potato Crop, Daraa GovernorateAbstract
The aim of the research is to estamiate productivity cost of Spring Potato crop irrigated by Diesel and solar energy in Daraa Governorate. The research was carried out using descriptive statistical analysis and economic analysis, As well as the application of the Garrett’s Ranking Technique to prioritize difficulties related to the use of solar energy, the sample size was about 85 farmers they were selected in a comprehensive manner. The results of the analysis showed there are statistically significant differences for each of the total costs, and revenue, the net profit earned and yield for the irrigated spring potato crop using solar energy and diesel at a moral level sig=0.01, hence, the null hypothesis is rejected acceptance of the alternative hypothesis, and the use of solar energy resulting in a decrease in production costs of 6.7%, the net profit also increased by 3610085.3 L.S/ha using solar energy irrigation compared to irrigation with diesel, that is, an increase in value 36.4%, and the irrigated spring potato crop in both ways, it achieved an economic efficiency of about 1.62, and 1.9, using diesel and solar energy in the same study straight, the difficulty was the high network setup costs, and the specifications of the power equipment are not good first and second place difficulties in securing solar power grid equipment facing farmers in the same study straight, and the lack of money solar energy to irrigate their crops, it lowers production costs compared to diesel.