Common Mistakes in Some Steps of Social Scientific Field Research Study Theory


  • Dr.amira abdAlmajeed erksosi Damascus university


Errors, Science Search, Social Search, field social research.


The main objective of the current research is to identify the common research errors that some researchers make when they carry out field social scientific research specifically, errors related to some steps of social research design and implementation, they are: formulation of research hypotheses, sampling procedures validity, validity and reliability of the tool, selection of appropriate statistical measures. A scientific approach has been adopted appropriate to the nature of the subject studied and the intended goal represented by the descriptive analytical approach.

And based on the most common research errors that have been studied theoretically in the current research, a set of proposals has been drawn up aimed at reducing, as much as possible, the common mistakes of research when preparing for field social research.


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How to Cite

Common Mistakes in Some Steps of Social Scientific Field Research Study Theory. (2024). Damascus University Journal of Arts and Humanities Sciences, 40(1).