The geopolitical dimensions of the conflict over the waters of the Yarmouk River


  • Marwa Nezar Alshashaa damascusuniversity
  • Ibrahim Ahmad Said damascusuniversity


International rivers, The Geopolitical dimensions, Jordan, Syria, Water projects, the Yarmouk River, the Zionist entity


This research deals with the definition of the concept of international rivers, and the study of the importance of the Yarmouk River; And the indirect political methods that the Zionist entity followed to impose its presence in the region and control the waters of the river through several agreements that it hatched with the French and British Mandates on the one hand, and the support of the United States to establish its hydroelectric projects on the Yarmouk waters on the other hand, all of this led to the acquisition of a share The Syrian and Jordanian states were deprived of water, causing a water crisis whose geopolitical dimensions extended to the present time. And that despite the

establishment of joint projects between the two countries, the Zionist entity is still the first controller of water.


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How to Cite

The geopolitical dimensions of the conflict over the waters of the Yarmouk River. (2024). Damascus University Journal of Arts and Humanities Sciences, 40(3).