The Role of Civil Society in Promoting Local DevelopmentA Field Study on a Sample of Beneficiaries in The City of Hasakah


  • Alan mohammad Hasan damascusuniversity
  • Majed molhem Abo Hamdan damascusuniversity


: civil society, development, beneficiaries


Civil society forms the third polygon in the development triangle by assisting the government and the private sector in community development. It aims to develop the community by satisfying needs and confronting problems, thus promoting the development process through three axes: education, health, and poverty alleviation (economic); Therefore, this research came to determine this developmental role from the point of view of the society itself, through a descriptive study; The research included three sections, the first section represented the problem of the research, Which included the research problem and its questions, the importance of the research, its objectives, previous studies, the current research site, research concepts and fields. The second section was the theoretical framework of the research. In it, civil society and its importance in development were addressed through a review of some literature that dealt with the subject, and the third section represented the field framework for research, which included a study of a sample of (502)

beneficiaries of civil society services to identify its role in promoting development, and the research showed that the role of society Civilian in promoting development was average. The averages for all development components (educational, health, and economic) were close; All its components came at an average level, and there is a difference between males and females regarding the role of civil society in promoting development, and this difference is moral in favor of males


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How to Cite

The Role of Civil Society in Promoting Local DevelopmentA Field Study on a Sample of Beneficiaries in The City of Hasakah. (2024). Damascus University Journal of Arts and Humanities Sciences, 40(3).