Evaluation of Removability of 5MO and Biodentine from the Straight Root Canals Using Ultrasonic Waves Technique in Endodontic Retreatment(A Comparative In Vitro Study)



Removal Of Root Canal Filling Materials, Endodontic Retreatment, 5MO, Biodentine, Ultrasonic Waves (US) Technique.


Background and Aim: Removal of the filling materials is a very important factor in endodontic retreatment. Therefore, the aim of this a comparative in vitro study was to evaluate the removability of five mineral oxides (5MO) and (Biodentine) from the straight root canals in endodontic retreatment, with recording the time required, using ultrasonic waves (US) technique, and knowing its effectiveness in this field.

Materials and Methods: The sample of study consisted of 24 recently extracted, upper and lower, permanent human teeth, with straight single-canal, the root canals were prepared using (Crown-Down) technique. The sample was randomly divided into two equal groups of 12 teeth each, according to the root canal filling material used: [Group1: 5MO, Group2: Biodentine]. After root canal filling, the coronal restorative material (Glass Ionomer Cement) (GIC) was placed, and the teeth were stored in (100% humidity at 37°C) for 7 days, then, the filling materials were removed using ultrasonic waves (US) technique, with recording the time required. Data were subjected to ANCOVA statistical test, and Person correlation coefficient values were calculated with (P-value ≤ 0.05) as the level of significance.

Results: The results showed that 5MO was easier removed from straight root canals than Biodentine using ultrasonic waves (US) technique in endodontic retreatment. Where, it took a shorter time to remove compared to Biodentine, with statistically significant effect (P < 0.05).

Conclusions: 5MO and Biodentine can be removed from straight root canals using ultrasonic waves (US) technique. So, the ultrasonic waves (US) technique can be considered the effective technique in removing both materials in endodontic retreatment.


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Author Biography

  • Dr. Helen Ayoubi, Damascus university

    مدرِّسة في قسم مداواة الأسنان، في كلية طب الأسنان، بجامعة دمشق




How to Cite

Evaluation of Removability of 5MO and Biodentine from the Straight Root Canals Using Ultrasonic Waves Technique in Endodontic Retreatment(A Comparative In Vitro Study). (2024). Damascus University Journal for Medical Sciences, 40(2). https://journal.damascusuniversity.edu.sy/index.php/heaj/article/view/8991