Successful management of abdominal wall arteriovenous malformation by embolization and surgery


  • Mohamad Ali Nahas جامعة دمشق
  • Maen Al Aissami جامعة دمشق
  • Yaman Alderi جامعة دمشق


Arteriovenous malformations, Embolisation, Vascular surgery, plastic surgery.


Background: Congenital vascular malformations CVMs are usually challenging for the physicians, which need a multispecialty management, approach. Among these malformations, arteriovenous malformations are of special importance because of their ability to increase in size and bleed, and the hymodynamic effects of the areteriovenous shunting. Additionally, they never regress spontaneously.

Presentation of the case: 20 years old patient presented to the clinic with a congenital 20*40 cm painful hump on the lower left quadrant of the

abdomen with pain, bleeding and ulceration.  The patient was treated by endovascular emboliztion of the AVM feeding vessels, followed by surgical exicion and a plastic surgery to cover the resulting defect in the abdominal wall

Results: the resection was curative without major complications and the scar was very good 3 months after treatment without signs of relapse.

Conclusion: further periodic follow-up is required because of its high relapce ability taking into consideration the female gender of the patient.


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How to Cite

Successful management of abdominal wall arteriovenous malformation by embolization and surgery. (2024). Damascus University Journal for Medical Sciences, 40(1).