Study the Effect of Nigella Sativa on Dental Caries Germs

جراثيم النخر السني


  • Dr.Raian Alzoaabi Faculty of Human Medicine, Damascus University


Dental Caries Germs, Nigella Sativa, Blood Agar, Mueller Hinton, Thymoquinone


Objectives: black seeds known as nigella sativa contains thymoquinone which was used in many general medicins as an active antibiotic in general and oral health . so,  we aimed in our research to study the effect of nigella sativa on dental caries bacteria using filter paper method on mueller hinton media ( Kirby baure method) , and compare its effect with 9 other antibiotics .

Methods:  25 dental caries specimens were collected from class 1 caries on  25 upper first molars  .  Mani tingesten carbide burs were used for caries curettage (one bur for every tooth )  . and by using the filter paper method ,  bacterial culture were first grown in nutrient borth at 37for 18-24 h incubated . then after using blood agar & EMB agar for germs cultivation , the respective bacteria were spread on to the mueller hinton agar plates using sterile swap . filter paper method were used to investigate the  antibacterial activity of nigella sativa  and comparing the diameters of circle around nigella sativa paper with diameters around 10 studied antibiotics .

Results: the results showed inhibition zone around the nigella sativa paper measured about 1-1.9cm , antibiotics zone was 1.1-2.8 cm .

Conclusion:  our study showed antibacterial activity of nigella sativa against dental caries germs .


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How to Cite

Study the Effect of Nigella Sativa on Dental Caries Germs: جراثيم النخر السني. (2023). Damascus University Journal for Medical Sciences, 39(4).