The Study of Larynx Manifestations Prevalence in Active Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients
Background & aim: The prevalence of rheumatoid arthritis laryngeal involvement is varying from 11 to 78%. The specific rheumatoid arthritis laryngeal manifestations include the cricoarytenoid arthritis and the presence of rheumatoid nodules in the vocal folds. The objective of this study is to evaluate the prevalence of RA laryngeal manifestation, and their correlation with disease activity.
Method: We evaluated 50 patients with rheumatoid arthritis and 47 controls. A cross-sectional study evaluated rheumatoid arthritis patients according to their disease activity score in 28 joints (DAS-28) laryngeal symptoms, application of a Portuguese version of the Voice Handicap Index, comparing them with a control group.
Results: The symptoms of laryngeal injury was 36(72%)in RA-Patients we study Globus Pharyngus (68.1%), foreign body sensation, pain, hoarseness(26%), dysphonia(9%), dyspnea(14.8%),cough(46.3%) .
Conclusion: The prevalence of laryngeal disorders in RA patients was72 % and the prevalence of dysphonia was7,2 ±9,2 %. There was no significant relationship between laryngeal disorders and disease activity.